🎈코인별 메인넷일정
메인넷하는 코인들의 상승이 요즘 두드러지고있습니다. 메인넷 이벤트 호재 등 챙겨보아요!
📌 거시 일정
BAKKT 암호화폐 결제 앱 (~6/30)
마운트곡스 피해자 보상 방안 제출 기한(연기2) (~7/1)
특금법 시행 (2021/3월)
한국은행 자체 디지털화폐 시범운용 (2021/12월)
📌 거래소 일정
[Upbit] HYDRO 거래 지원 종료 (5/29 18:00)
[Bithumb] XMR, XVG 거래 지원 종료 (6/1 15:00)
[Aprobit] 에이프로빗 프리런칭 (6/1)
[Bithumb] BHP 거래지원 종료 (6/8)
[Bittrex] Bittrex Exchange Token(BXT) 출시 (~6/30)
[Binance] 마이닝 풀 출시 (~6/30)
📌 알트코인 일정
5월 31일
- Grimm (XGM) Hard Fork
6월 1일
- IoTeX (IOTX)⭐️
IoTeX Mainnet GA
"IoTeX Mainnet GA is launching June 1, 2020"
Eighth buying and burning
"Starting Jun 1, we will implement buy-back & burn every 3 months and announce the details within 1 week of the burn."
- Grin (GRIN)⭐️
Beta Binaries Release
"Release of grin, grin-wallet, grin-miner beta binaries."
- Xensor (XSR)
Hanbitco Listing
Hanbitco lists XSR with BTC and USDT pairs.
- Ethereum Classic (ETC)⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aztlán & Phoenix Mainnet
"Phoenix network upgrade, expected on ETC mainnet at block 10_500_839, around June 3, 2020."
- Zero (ZER) First Block Halving
- Insolar (XNS)
PoolX Official Staking
"From June 4, 2020, you can stake your #XNS via @pool_x_official staking platform."
- Storm (STORM)⭐️⭐️
Swapping to STMX
"The STMX token is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, written in Solidity. The STMX token is very much like the STORM token..."
- Blocknet (BLOCK)
"This wallet release contains the staking protocol upgrade and will result in a hard fork on June 8th at 6pm UTC +0."
- Band Protocol (BAND)⭐️
Mainnet Launch
Band Protocol’s public Wenchang Mainnet launch is going live on June 10, 2020.
- Ethereum Classic (ETC)⭐️⭐️
Hard forkPhoenix Hard Fork
- Komodo (KMD)⭐️
Ecosystem Update
"An upgrade to the Komodo daemon to version 0.6.0 will be activated on June 14, 2020 at block height 1,922,000."
Korea Blockchain Week 202
Korea Blockchain Week 2020 from June 15 - 21 in Seoul, South Korea.
- Grin (GRIN)
Floonet Upgrade
Launch of Floonet hard fork and public testing.
- Groestlcoin (GRS)⭐️
Major Releases
"• Groestlcoin Core 2.19.1 • Webwallet 1.5 • HODL GRS iOS • Unstoppable GRS • Unstoppable GRS Testnet..."
- Polymath (POLY)⭐️
Polymesh Testnet V1
"Polymath @PolymathNetwork Polymesh Testnet v1, Aldebaran, launching with a public release date of June 23!"
- Beam (BEAM)⭐️⭐️
Beam Hardfork
"Beam will execute the second hard fork as previously announced in our Roadmap. This network upgrade will occur at Block Height 777777..."
- FLETA ⭐️⭐️
Hard forkUpdate Mainnet
- HYCON (HYC)⭐️⭐️
Hard forkHard Fork
Mainnet Launch
"The DREP mainnet is expected to launch around in Q1-Q2 2020."
- Neo (NEO)⭐️⭐️
NEO 3.0 Mainnet
NEO 3.0 mainnet launch during Q2 2020.
- Chiliz (CHZ)
FC Barcelona - FTO
Launch of the FC Barcelona Fan Token Offering to take place before the end of June.
- Zilliqa (ZIL)⭐️
Zilliqa is to launch staking on mainnet before the end of Q2
- NOIA Network (NOIA)⭐️⭐️
Mainnet Launch
No additional information.
- Origin Protocol (OGN)⭐️
Staking & Reward Use Cases
"Research and launch new staking and reward use cases for OGN targeted at end users, merchants, and affiliates, as well as infrastructure pr...
- Blockstack (STX)⭐️⭐️
Mainnet Launch
"Stacks 2.0 mainnet launch in June/July (tentative date), with PoX mining."
- QuarkChain (QKC)
POS Work Support
"FullProof-of-Staked-Work Support"
- Elrond
Bootstrapping Phase 3
Elrond Bootstrapping Phase 3 with complete set of features, Elrond nodes phase-out, and global validator staking during Q2 2020.
- Insolar (XNS)⭐️⭐️
MainNet 2.0
"The second version of the MainNet is set for release next year and will implement enhanced validation and transactions with..."
- Komodo (KMD)⭐️
AtomicDEXtop Public Beta
AtomixDEX public beta version preview opens for public for testing by end of Q2.
- LTO Network (LTO)⭐️
Sponsored Accounts Release
"Release of Sponsored Accounts, which allows parties to use the Mainnet without needing to buy tokens themselves," during Q2 2020.
- MultiVAC (MTV)⭐️
Mainnet Launch
"MultiVAC will officially release its mainnet and gradually become open-sourced," during Q2 2020.
- NKN (NKN)⭐️
New Assets
"New Assets" in Q2, 2020.
- Origin Protocol (OGN)
Marketplace & Ecom Apps
"Launch additional marketplace and e-commerce applications on top of the Origin platform," during Q2 2020.
- Ontology (ONT)
Additional Marketplace & Ecom Apps
"Launch additional marketplace and e-commerce applications on top of the Origin platform," during Q2 2020.
- Augur (REP)⭐️
Augur V2
"Coming this June Augur v2: The world’s most accessible, no limit betting exchange"
- Cardano (ADA)⭐️⭐️⭐️
Shelley Code Release
No additional information.
- 8X8 Protocol(EXE)
ReleaseGame Project “X” Launch
- QLC Chain (QLC)
Q-wallet DeFi Support
"Q-Wallet to support DeFi supermarket and QLC/QGas for DeFi production ranking," during Q2 2020.
- ARPA Chain (ARPA)
Proof of Concept
"Proof-of-Concept for Precise Advertising," during Q2 2020.
- Wanchain (WAN)⭐️
Token Integrations
"Next batch of ERC-20/EOS token integrations released," during Q2 2020.
- Kyber Network (KNC)⭐️⭐️
Katalyst launch, KyberDAO
"KyberDAO, Progress on the Kyber.org interface is going well and it is expected to go live with the Katalyst launch at the end of Q2 2020."
- Bancor (BNT)⭐️
Bancor V2
"The full technical details of Bancor V2 will be shared leading up to its planned release in Q2 2020."
- Ferrum Network (FRM)⭐️
"Main-Net," release during Q2 2020.
ReleaseNewMall v.3.0 Launch
-AMO Coin(AMO)⭐️
ReleaseMobile Wallet v.4.0
-Bitcoin Vault(BTCV)
UpdateAdditional Key Integration
- Cartesi(CTSI)
GeneralSDK Documentation
- Gomics(GOM) ⭐️
ReleaseMainnet Launch
- Tachyon Protocol(IPX)⭐️⭐️
TestVPN Beta
ReleaseLaunch the Gaming dApp Store
-Ethereum( ETH)⭐️⭐️⭐️
UpdateEIP-1962 Update
ReleasePlatform v.3.0 Launch
- Huobi Token(HT)⭐️⭐️
ReleaseFinanceChain Mainnet Launch
아래 링크는 가입하시면 바이낸스 거래 시 20%의 수수료 할인을 받을 수 있는 링크입니다.
좋아요와 구독 부탁드리겠습니다:)
보다 빠른 정보는 텔레그램 채널과 채팅방, 카카오톡 채팅방을 통해 받아보세요 :)
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